Answer Questions

Answer questions to see how similar you are to politicians. For full access for all features create a FREE account

Should we have a stricter asylum system?

Should the UK be in the EU?

Should ill and disabled people get higher benefits?

Should banks be made to pay higher taxes?

Are you in favour of HS2?

Should laws be tougher on tax avoidance?

Should the minimum wage be higher?

Should councils and local communities have more power?

Should we have more nuclear power?

Should corporation tax be higher?

Should welfare benefits be higher?

Should we be doing more to prevent climate change?

Should gay people have equal rights?

Should the NHS get more funding?

Should the UK have proportional representation?

Should the voting age be reduced to 16?

Should animal welfare laws be stronger?

Should tuition fees be scrapped?

Should the UK have nuclear bombs?

Should protections for nature be stronger?