Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is RTribes about?

RTribes is a social media website that is focused on connecting people based their political opinions. When the user signs up they can complete a short questionnaire about their political opinions. The questions asked mirror that of votes conducted by politicians in the UK houses of parliament. Using our algorithm we then use your answers and compare them to the voting record of politicians, allowing you to see just how their actions match your opinions. Your answers can also be used to search for other users who have similar opinions to you. If you like someone enough you can ask them to be your friend and join your tribe.

How do you know the politicians voting record?

Every politician who votes in the UK houses of parliament has had their voting record on the issues covered in our questionnaire assessed and stored in our database. Voting records have been taken from the website,'', bar one question concerning the NHS, as MPs have never voted on this in parliament, so this question is more directed towards user to user comparison. Hence, every politicians voting record on this was assigned 'not interested'. For the rest of the questions, using data from the website, if a politician had a voting percentage of 50% or above for a specific policy then the corresponding question in the questionnaire would be answered to reflect this, again if it was below 50% then their questionnaire answer would reflect this. If a politician did not vote at all then their questionnaire answer would be 'not interested'. If a politician has not voted on 10 or more issues raised in the questionnaire then they will not return a similarity score, instead you will see 'insufficient voting record'. This will remain the case until the politician in question amasses enough votes on the issues to assess their similarity.

Who is the website aimed at?

The website is aimed at people interested in politics, who want to make friends with like minded people. You must be over 13 years old to create an account.

Can I add friends?

Using the 'Search' section on the website a user can search for other users. After a user has completed their questionnaire their answers will be compared to other users, and a similarity score will be given for every user to compare against other users. This score is shown in the search results and can be used to determine how much users agree on issues and whether or not a user wants to invite another user to be their friend (invite into their tribe).

How do I complete the questionnaire?

A user can complete their questionnaire by using the 'Questions' section of the website. This section will list two choices, a political questionnaire with 20 questions and a lifestyle questionnaire with 15 questions for a user to answer and submit. We know peoples opinions change, so the questionnaire section is available at all times. Therefore, if a user wishes to change their answers they can redo the questionnaire at any time.

Can I add posts?

A user can make two types of post. One which only their friends (tribe) can see, (know as 'Talking Circle') and one in which every user on the website can see (known as 'The Thing'). Users can also comment on posts and reply to the comments on posts. There is a 15 minute time limit to edit posts and comments. After that if a user is not happy with their post/comment they will need to delete it or create a new post/comment.

Do I have a friends list?

Every member of your tribe is listed in the 'My Tribe' section of the website.

Can I direct message users?

Direct messages ('Private Chats') can only be sent between friends (members of the same tribe). In order to send a direct message a user needs to access the 'Private Chats' section of the website.

Can I block other users?

A user can block and unblock another user. When this happens the user that is blocked is basically kicked out of that users tribe.

Are there any limits to posts?

There are limits to what you can add to posts. First of all there are character limits which are 2500 for posts and 1000 for comments and replies. There are also limits to the types of files that can be uploaded to a post/comment and the file sizes. The only types of files allowed have the extensions, jpeg, jpg and png, and these files must not exceed 3 Mb in size.

Are posts/comments/replies moderated?

Please do not post content that breaks our rules (see terms). Our site has a flagging system for posts, comments and replies that users can use to report content. If enough flags are raised the content will be reviewed and action will taken. If a user continues to submit content that gets removed eventually the user will become deactivated (deleted).

What happens to my content if I become deactivated or I delete my account?

If you or admin delete your account then you account is permanently deleted. Everything is wiped! If you want to come back to the site you will need to create a new account.

What's with using the feather for likes, and what's Talking Circle, The Thing, Private Chats about?

Keeping to the tribes theme instead of a thumbs up we use a feather which is a symbol of prestige in native american tribes. So the more feathers your posts/comments get the more prestige! As for Talking Circle (for your own tribe only), The Thing (for everyone) and Private Chats (one to one messaging); again they are all ways to describe how different tribes would communicate.

Do we need to pay for anything? any adverts?

The use of this website is free for any user, there are no adverts, no cookies and no hidden fees.

Last Word

Further information can be found in our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Our contact form can also be used if further assistance is required. Enjoy the site, be respectful to each other and lastly go build your tribe!